克里斯·科洛沃斯是波士顿大学学院的校长. 自2020年夏天加入bbin娱乐平台以来, Chris has led the school’s evolution in ways designed to serve its exceptional students and build on the school’s traditional strengths: a more global, diverse humanities curriculum that puts the Western canon in conversation with other traditions; a new academic schedule with later starts and longer class periods; a 教师 evaluation and professional growth program; creation of a Director of Equity and Inclusion role; a significant increase in the numbers of 教师 of color; learning opportunities for bbin娱乐平台 students in departments and interdisciplinary centers at 波士顿大学; emerging partnerships in the City of Boston; and a strategic vision guiding bbin娱乐平台’s path to 2030. A dramatic rise in applications since 2020 aligns with Chris’s commitment to ensuring that all families of exceptionally kind, 好奇的, 波士顿地区有能力的学生可以考虑bbin娱乐平台. Major increases in fundraising during Chris’s tenure have also led to a significant expansion of professional development funding, 所有教室空间的翻新, and growth in financial aid – allowing bbin娱乐平台 to admit every qualified applicant regardless of the family’s ability to pay.
在bbin娱乐平台之前, Chris served for seven years as the 副校长 at 绿色农场学院 in Connecticut where he oversaw the school’s academic program. He began his teaching career at 贝尔蒙特山学校 where he served for nine years as a history teacher, 系主任, 全球教育总监.
克里斯是希腊移民的儿子,在波士顿郊区长大. He attended 罗克斯伯里拉丁学校 and then 哈佛学院 as a first-generation college student. He later earned a law degree at Harvard, while serving as Coordinating Editor of the 《bbin娱乐平台》. 他和妻子特蕾西住在波士顿郊外, 儿子查理, 双胞胎女儿佩妮和麦琪, 他们的狗赛丝, 和他们的猫切斯特.
JD, 以优等成绩毕业者, 2003
AB, 优等生; 1998
优等生; 1994
价值观,人民和承诺. The school’s values are my values: unapologetically high academic standards, 对求知欲的庆祝, 理解创新和传统是齐头并进的, 对多样性的承诺, 公平与包容, and a deep belief that students learn and grow best when the adults in their lives know and love 他们. 在我访问期间, 我遇到了学生, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 父母, 以及每天践行这些价值观的BU和bbin娱乐平台的管理人员. I learned everything I needed to know about the culture over lunch with a group of students who not only debated ideas about the future of the school with clarity, 严格, 和激情, 但 also took the time to respect and take care of one another during that conversation. 另外,他们享受着每一分钟! And there is so much promise for the future — the chance to leverage all these strengths, 包括与世界一流研究型大学的联系, to serve our students well for generations to come and further establish the reputation of this tremendous school in the broader marketplace. 我很荣幸有机会加入bbin娱乐平台 社区.
私立学校改变了我的生活. Both my 父母 emigrated from Greece, having grown up in a small village outside of Sparta. 虽然两人都没上过大学,但他们都相信教育的力量. 在他们的支持下, 我从公立学校找到了学习罗克斯伯里拉丁语的方法, which opened my eyes and opened doors for me that may have otherwise been shut. 我父母的牺牲给了我他们从未受过的教育. I left high school with a deep conviction that serving others is a key to living a life of purpose, 这种信念使我在学校工作. 很久以前我就知道学校生活适合我, 但, 多年来, 我从事商业和法律方面的工作, 这条路对移民的儿子来说可能更典型. 十六年前, I stepped off the legal track to return to the kind of 社区 that gave me so much. 我从未回头. I am convinced that school leaders have a special role to play in shaping school culture, 扩大, and ensuring sustainability so that our schools can continue to serve students for generations to come. 对我来说,这才是美好的生活.
学生们. Every day for the past sixteen years, they have reminded me that I made the right career choice. 即使是现在, 因为我的职责主要是领导, 我抽出时间来教一节课, 当足球队教练, 只要剧组有我,我就会在音乐剧里客串! 这种投入使我成为一个更好、更快乐的领导者.
The one promise we can and must make to our families is that we will know and love 他们的孩子. Research and experience tell us that young people learn best when they feel safe and known as individuals. 家庭 choose independent schools because they value the close relationships between students and teachers, because they know that our schools will make sure that each student is challenged up to the level of his or her abilities, 因为我们关心和培养整个人. One of the things I admire most about bbin娱乐平台 is that it lives up to these expectations every day, 这很大程度上要归功于他非凡的才能. 这是一项快乐的工作.
bbin娱乐平台将在未来25年蓬勃发展. 它从优势位置开始下一段旅程. It boasts a well-deserved reputation for academic excellence and stoking intellectual curiosity; a college list that many schools would envy; healthy and growing demand in admission; a dedicated and energized 教师 and 工作人员; and a wonderful sense of tradition. Perhaps bbin娱乐平台’s greatest differentiator is being part of a world-class research university. bbin娱乐平台提供了两个世界最好的服务. 这是一个小的, 家庭式, 关爱师生的社区, 它也为学生提供了波士顿大学提供的一切服务, 来自机器人实验室, 运动设施, 到高级班, 与各自领域的专家一起进行论文研究. Now is the time to build on those strengths — innovate in a way that is consistent with our traditions, 加深与波士顿大学的联系, expand access to fully live up to our mission — all while staying focused on our main goal: serving the students under our care. I look forward to telling the school’s compelling story in the Boston area and throughout the region.
Are there any books you have read recently that you would recommend to bbin娱乐平台 students?
一个漫游 丹尼尔·门德尔松著. I’ve always loved classics, and they play an important role in the life of bbin娱乐平台 as well. Mendelsohn, 谁是古典学者和教授, 讲述了他父亲旁听他课程的故事 《bbin官网》他将自己的家庭故事与对这首史诗的分析交织在一起. 美丽,有时有趣,有时悲伤,总是深思熟虑.
My wife Tracey and I both grew up in the Boston area, Brookline and Dedham respectively. We have both devoted our lives to serving young people: Tracey is a child and adolescent psychiatrist working, 最近, 在急诊室里. 我们和小儿子住在一起, 查理, 还有一只五岁的搜救犬, 赛丝, 谁以电影中的角色命名 《bbin官网》 (如果给《bbin娱乐平台》的粉丝造成任何困惑,我向他们道歉).
克里斯·科洛沃斯的反思- 2020年2月
学生采访克里斯·科洛沃斯- 2019年11月
Chris Kolovos给bbin娱乐平台社区的信- 2019年6月
Memo from BU Provost Jean Morrison announcing appointment of Chris Kolovos